Associations need volunteers with professional experience and business instincts to help run their organizations. Different associations have different needs, but roles can include anything from serving on an executive board, working on a marketing and communications committee, or fundraising.
Serving for an association not only allows you to volunteer your expertise and time to support your organization, but also benefits you personally and professionally. It’s an opportunity to build your skills in new areas, work on projects you ordinarily wouldn’t have the chance to, and to build new connections with professionals in your industry and beyond.
Top five reasons to volunteer for an association
1. Build your network
Serving as a volunteer for an association or a professional network will introduce you to professionals from across the business community. Not only will you meet people from your association, but you will have a chance to work with people from different industries. Volunteering can expose you to a wide range of people, including influential leaders and potential mentors.
2. Become an advocate for your community, cause, or industry
Volunteering enables you to become an integral part of raising the profile of your organization. You’ll get the opportunity to represent your industry or community, which can be a great source of achievement and fulfilment.
3. Gain a new skillset
You will be able to join committees and activities, which help you expand on your skillset and utilize talents you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. You could polish your public speaking skills by volunteering to speak at events and webinars, learn more about marketing at communications by joining a marketing committee, or learn how to organize an event by volunteering to support a conference or a fundraising event.
4. Grow your leadership skills
Volunteering is a great way to work on your leadership skills. Many organizations need committed volunteers to supervise certain activities or groups of volunteers. You could also become a leader by making important decisions to solve problems or make improvements in your association or community.
5. Personal and professional development
Volunteering is especially beneficial to young professionals. It can expose you to professional experiences that you wouldn’t otherwise gain at an early stage of your career – you could be making decisions on finance, governance, and ethical issues that affect the entire organization.
Your service will benefit your organization, but you also have much to gain. It can increase your self-confidence by providing you with a sense of accomplishment, improve your skills, and help you make new business and personal connections.